Customer Notice
Voyage Maison - Due to the recent acquisition of Voyage Maison, we are experiencing delays with some of their products. This is affecting all UK suppliers whilst Riva Home normalises their stock availability. We are unable to fully update our website as availability is changing daily. Upon your order if the product is affected, your payment will not be processed until we will notify you via email with the expected date and await your confirmation. We appreciate your patience during this period and are happy to help with any questions, please contact us on 0161 282 3721.
Suez Canal Attacks - Due to the attacks on vessels in the Suez Canal Red Sea, shipping containers are having to re-route around The Cape Of Good Hope, causing shippers delays and increased transit times. Unfortunately, this is causing delays with some product lines. If your order is affected, we will email you with an expected date and confirmation to pre-order. No payment will be accepted until pre-order confirmation is received. We thank you for your understanding during this time of disruption.