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Clarissa Hulse - Maidenhair Vine Sunset £45 (10% off RRP)
Cushion Size - 43x43cm
Aftercare - dry clean only
Colourways - 4 colourways available - Sunset, Peacock, Mole & French Navy
RRP - £50 you save 10%
Product Description
Collection Description
Maidenhair Vine Sunset Cushion - This playful botanical velvet cushion is composed of layers upon layers of ditsy vines. Hot pink, fiery orange, and ochre dots glimmer against a mulberry background, creating an abstract painterly composition that can be endlessly enjoyed on any sofa, chair, or bed. Our cushions are as ethical as they are lovely. Digitally printed to minimize waste and water, with ethically sourced feather pads with a responsible down certification.