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Crafted Poetry - Stone Washed Reloaded
Composition - 100% Linen
Usage - Blinds, Cushions, Drapery
Fabric - Tabby Weave

Product Description
Composition - 100% Linen
Fabric - Tabby Weave
Usage - Blinds, Cushions, Drapery
- Width - 139 cm
- Vertical Pattern Repeat - 0 cm
Rub Count - 30000
Collection Description
Crafted Poetry - In textile trends, the emphasis is particularly on naturalness combined with functional aspects such as easy care and durability, although these aspects are less and less obvious. More than ever, the focus is on blended structures and mobile surfaces. A handcrafted look, in which a love for the material and for something special can be seen, is increasingly in evidence. It's precisely the imperfect that is becoming more important. Among other factors, it is from the increasingly romanticisation, which can be seen in fashion trends that we have derived our seasonal colours too.