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Italian Touch - Castelli
Composition - 65% Viscose / 23% Cotton / 12% Linen
Usage - Blinds, Cushions, Drapery, Upholstery
Fabric - Chenille

Product Description
Composition - 65% Viscose / 23% Cotton / 12% Linen
Fabric - Chenille
Usage - Blinds, Cushions, Drapery, Upholstery
- Width - 140 cm
- Vertical Pattern Repeat - 0 cm
Rub Count - 30000
Collection Description
Italian Touch - It excerts a major influence on interior, industrial and fashion design worlswide. Italy's iconic design is marked with the well-known phrase "Made in Italy". Contemporary Italian design is the result of thousands of years of art and design history. Finding its roots in the classic art and architrecture of the Romans. Today ancient frescos are preserved and exhibited side by side with contemporary Italian industrial design. Italy has served as an inspiration to many before us. Carlucci always finds inspiration in Italian textiles and has a great love for italian design. With the collection "Italian Touch", Carlucci takes you on a whistle stop toour of this inspirational country. From the Lago di Como in the north to the hills of uscany and the hustle and bustle of Milan and Rome. Join us for an unforgettable trip of the Italian peninsula with the eclectic fabrics collection that is: italis Touch.