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Product Description
Composition - 100% Vinyl
Fabric - Non-Woven
Usage - Wallpaper
- Width - 69 cm
- Usable Width - 69 cm
- Vertical Pattern Repeat - 61 cm
Roll Length - 10.05 m
Collection Description
Monsoon - With the monsoon comes the wind of change, a fresh breeze of colour and energy. Chivasso takes you on a entrancing trip with these new wallpapers, which encompasses three themes: Jungle, New Hampshire and Vintage. Travel from the hillside jungles of northern Thailand, to the Hamptons, off the coast of New York and over the ocean to the English Countryside. Let Chivasso take you on a journey and immerse yourself in the vibrant world of "Chivasso Monsoon". Don't be afraid to bring the energy and vibrancy of the tropical monsoon rains to your home.