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Romantic Flowers - Tunbridge
Composition - 55% Linen / 45% Viscose
Usage - Blinds, Cushions, Drapery, Upholstery
Fabric - Tabby weave

Product Description
Composition - 55% Linen / 45% Viscose
Fabric - Tabby weave
Usage - Blinds, Cushions, Drapery, Upholstery
- Width - 140 cm
- Vertical Pattern Repeat - 68 cm
Rub Count - 30000
Collection Description
Romantic Flowers - Create a special atmosphere with our new, floral print fabrics and conjure up emotional and feminine interiors. For centuries, flowers and plant motifs have inspired to create large-scale all-over patterns or smaller repeats. No matter whether worked in a naturalistic way, stylised or abstracted, the spectrum is infinite. Vigorous, delicate, loud or calm - floral prints can do everything. Thy create a special atmosphere and conjure up emtional and feminie interiors.